

Page history last edited by cduprey1616@... 9 years, 6 months ago

NOTE: Because of staffing and schedule changes and because of Linden Labs' choice to end the Teen Grid, this class is no longer offered. I will, however, leave the wiki as a record of the wonderful work these kids did during this class. They worked hard and deserve to have this evidence preserved.


Welcome to the Virtual Worlds Wiki


This wiki is maintained by the students of Mrs. Duprey's high school class on Virtual Worlds. This is very much a work-in-progress, so if you've accidentally stumbled on the page, bookmark it and come back in another few months and see what we have written.  




SL pics 2010


Civil War task list 


What is your old video game worth? Check here to find out! 


Articles -- Check here for various articles you'll need to read for class (most are short, don't worry). 


Student journals -- Use this page to get started on your journals for the class. 


SL tasks -- use this checklist to make Lindens and raise your grade


Textures -- upload the textures you create so they can be shared with the class


Resources-- a page of information on virtual worlds in general as well as links to cool stuff you can use in SL


Burning Life 2009


More pictures from SL



If you have questions, please feel free to use the chat box in the Sidebar.


Additional links: 

Mrs. Duprey's blog about the course (be wary, students are not the intended audience!)

Machinima-- a short video I made of the island we will call HOME on the Teen Grid in SL 


Archived pages







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